Essentials for kids who love horse riding
Whether your child is dreaming to be part of the pony club, or they take riding lessons after school, or even have their own horse they take care of themselves, we all know horse riding can be a powerful, even all-consuming, passion. As people around these horse-lovers (or even horse-lovers ourselves!) it's crucial to support our little ones to the best of our abilities, which includes keeping them safe and prepared.
So we’ve created a list of essentials for kids who love horse riding (both on and off the horse), that is a must-read for anyone gifting their child the reality of horse riding. And for those with children already galloping away, consider it a check-list to ensure that you’ve got all bases covered!

Appropriate Riding Attire
This includes everything from a helmet and boots to a change of clothes and emergency rain jacket.
A riding helmet should be everyone's first instinct when they think of ‘riding gear’, not even the top professional riders risk horse riding without it! With children growing so fast, it's important to check every few months that their helmet still fits properly, otherwise they’ll have less protection against head injuries.
Riding boots are another safety-must, providing ankle support and minimising the impact of a horse accidentally trodding on your foot. (Anyone who has had that happen knows why good boots are important!) Having long riding socks will also prevent chafing from these boots, especially if they’re brand new.
Jodhpurs and riding gloves are the other two proper essentials for being able to ride a horse. Jodhpurs are specialised riding pants that provide grip in the saddle while allowing riders to still be able to move comfortably. Riding gloves are needed for the same reason, providing a better grip on the reins while also protecting the hands from blisters and sunburn.
A good helmet, boots, socks, jodhpurs, and gloves are the base essentials for horse riding, but there is so much more that you don’t think of.
Having an emergency rain jacket is always a smart move, especially because weather can be unpredictable. Similarly, you’ll never get upset about having a spare change of clothes, especially after your child has gotten dirty or wet during their ride or stable chores and is trying to sit mud-first in your car.
Safety Gear
If you thought a helmet was all you needed for your child to be safe on a horse, you’d be wrong! Helmets protect their heads from injury, but if you think about how much time they’re out in the hot sun, risks to their skin become increasingly prevalent.
Sunscreen is obviously crucial for any outdoor activity, but without them reapplying consistently (which, let's be honest, whose child is remembering to reapply when they’re having the time of their life on the back of a horse?) sunscreen becomes useless very fast.
Pairing sunscreen with a helmet brim, however, is your winning ticket to skin safety. The helmet brim is designed for both equestrian sun and rain safety, attaching easily to any size and brand of riding helmet. Plus, it’s available in various colour trims, and we all know that next to horse riding, favourite colours is a huge passion for most children. CLICK here for more information on the Helmet Brim.
The last essential safety gear we recommend is a body protector. This is especially helpful for young riders or those learning to jump as it helps prevent minor bruising, stiffness and pain, keeping them confident to get back up while they’re still learning that falling is not as scary as it seems.

Backpack/ Stable Bag
This list is already extensive enough, so when you factor in having to ensure your children have water and snacks, are actually going to get to their riding lesson on time, and that you haven’t forgotten your phone or keys or wallet, it can get pretty overwhelming.
Having a dedicated riding bag might seem a bit overkill, but it's a lifesaver when it comes to that moment of rushing. Keep all of the gear we mentioned above in them for ease of access and swift organisation, and keep extras like hair ties, emergency contact information, and a mini first aid kit in there just to stay on the safe side. You could even keep a stash of non-perishable snacks, drink bottle, and an extra five-dollar note in there, just in case.
Extra Supplies
Having brushes and grooming equipment, as well as a tack cleaning kit, are definitely necessities if you own a horse. They also help teach children responsibility and how to care for horses before and after riding. If you have a child that isn’t yet ready to ride, but is obsessed with horses, giving them the ability to get up close to a horse in this way could be a dream come true.
A journal or scrapbook of some sort is also a great memento your child can hold onto all throughout their life. Get them to write down lesson notes or track progress after each ride, or even supply them with question prompts to answer to keep track of their goals. Having access to this, with their consent, could be a great way to know how they feel they’re going and allow you to support them further.
For those getting to a higher level of riding, training aids (like lunge lines, training reins), can be a great help for expanding their skills and passions.

For many of us horse enthusiasts, riding is not enough. Or, at least, we never seem to have enough time to do it. Having extra ways to live in the horseriding mindset beyond actually horse riding can be a way to help us, or more likely, or children, burst with need.
Books are a great way to stay immersed in a horse-centric world. These could be either helpful guides that better our children's skill, or fictional stories that just provide a similar atmosphere to what they know at the stables. For those not yet riding, books are also a great way to indulge their interests, especially because you can find books about horses for any age group. One quintessential horse book recommendation is the Saddle Club series, which you can buy by clicking here.
Movies or documentaries are also another great way to inspire our young ones, showing them what it took others to do to achieve big goals, or give them another world to explore. This form of entertainment is a great way to share in their passions, so try getting the whole family involved in a movie night!
Finally horse camp. Technically, this one is not even close to an essential, but it sounds like every young rider’s dream. You get to ride horses all day, meet people who love them as much as you do, and dream about what each new day will allow you to do. What horse rider wouldn’t want to go away to a horse camp?!
No matter a rider’s discipline, it's safe to say horse-riding is a lifelong passion that deserves to be nurtured and explored. Whether your child is just starting out or is already an experienced rider, having these essentials ensures they can enjoy their time with horses safely and comfortably. Happy riding!